Warren Buffet is wicked smart and has an excellent investment track record. So when he doesn’t like something, folks start to wonder if he’s on to something.
Buffet recently commented on the rise of AI at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, saying: “I know we won’t be able to un-invent it,” likening it to the atom bomb.
Which has echoes of his sentiment on Bitcoin, which he calls ‘rat poison.’
From his own admission, Warren doesn’t understand technology. He’s the guy who netted a loss of $2B, after investing in IBM in 2012 (instead of, say: FB, AAPL, AMZN, or MSFT).
Which makes asking Buffet about AI and blockchain feel akin to asking your grandpa about Fortnite and expecting an educated response. (You’re going to be disappointed).
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These things are all givens.
But folks seem to get hung up on the latter. Why? Because Warren is wicked smart and has an excellent investment track record.
So when he doesn’t like something, folks start to wonder if he’s on to something.
Buffet recently commented on the rise of AI at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, saying:
“It can do all kinds of things and when something can do all kinds of things I get a little bit worried,” “I know we won’t be able to un-invent it and, you know, we did invent—for very, very good reason—the atom bomb,”
Which has echoes of his sentiment on Bitcoin, which he calls ‘rat poison.’
And we get it! Whichever way you slice it, AI is equal parts spooky and exciting – the more we explore it, the more those feelings are heightened.
But here’s the thing:
(From his own admission) Warren doesn’t understand technology.
He’s the guy who netted a loss of $2B, after investing in IBM in 2012 (instead of, say: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft).
Which makes asking Buffet about AI and blockchain feel akin to asking your grandpa about Fortnite and expecting an educated response.
(You’re probably going to be disappointed).